EL REID-Buckley
El Reid-Buckley a writer and zine-maker based in Limerick, Ireland.
Reid-Buckley's work is broadly focused on issues of genders and sexualities, with primary interests in identity construction and negotiation, language, and the relationship between queerness and ideas of Irishness in (post-)colonial contexts. Formally trained as a sociologist, they use this training to shape and inform their artistic and community work.
Overall, their work aims to cut across and through academic and artistic practices and methodologies. In doing so, they consider themselves a scavenger, in that they work with traditionally non-complementary modes, or put texts, theories and techniques in conversation with each other.
Their critical and creative writing has been featured in a number of publications including LSE Review of Books, RTÉ, The Sociological Review, Almanac: A Journal of Trans Poetics, Catflap Literary Journal, and The Ogham Stone Journal, and Poetry Ireland.
They are currently working on projects focused on queer dreaming and imaginaries, spatialised semiotics and bisexualities, and using artistic methodologies for solidarities.
Lines of Desire: A collaborative zine designed by Anna Blair, and written by Dr. John Logan and El Reid-Buckley, exploring the hidden queer histories of Limerick City. Created as part of ALLTAR: a queer community group based in Limerick City, founded and facilitated by El Reid-Buckley. Map by Anna Blair.
Quaranzine: A collaborative zine edited by mother marx and mankyy, featuring over 30 artists (from Ireland, China, Africa, New Zealand and the UK) renewing senses of connection and queer domesticity during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Published as part of The Feminist Supermarket at Ormston House. Fundraiser zine for Movement of Asylum Seekers in Ireland (MASI). See the zine here. Cover image by mankyy.
When We Move in Blue: A collaborative zine designed by Oisin Ralph and written by El Reid-Buckley in response to Breda Lynch's Blue Dyke series. Generously supported by Ormston House, Wired FM and the EDI Division at UL. Launched as a part of Alternative Limerick Pride 2022. Zine design by Oisin Ralph.
elreidbuckley@gmail.com | Instagram